Are you Walking on Thin Ice? Try The Simpler, Easier Program!

The Simpler Easier Program

The Simpler, Easier Program™ was created for organizations just like yours to do the “heavy lifting of safety management” so you can get more boots on the ground.

Keeping up with regulations, ensuring worker safety, competent training, due diligence, record keeping, working within budget constraints, competing for production time… sound familiar? With the responsibility for employee safety on your shoulders, do you ever feel like you are walking on thin ice?

We created The Simpler Easier Program™ to remove the complexity out of meeting workplace safety requirements so you can accomplish more with less effort. We start by using a special measurement tool we created called The Simpler, Easier Scorecard.

We have two choices for our clients: basic and advanced. For the basic, we can help you evaluate and your Safety Management System and provide an action plan to help ensure employee safety and your due diligence. Of course, you can get this basic service from other companies and advisors. However, the advanced program we created, The Simpler, Easier Program™ helps you create a strategy to accomplish more using less resources and it’s only available from us!

We realize, however, that the advanced program is not for everyone. It is for successful organizations who want to leverage their time and resources to achieve greater efficiencies. They are also forward-thinking, open to new ideas, care about their people, and want to be compliant with safety regulations. If you are someone like that, you might be interested in this advanced program.

We created this program based on our experience working with hundreds of companies. We have learned that many organizations waste hundreds of production hours and thousands of dollars “managing safety”, all while still having gaps leaving them vulnerable to workplace safety related loss and liability. We have also seen many organizations experience the associated stress and human and financial costs when a serious incident occurs.

However, by using the Simpler, Easier Program™, you will achieve a much better result. You will in a better position to increase employee safety, increase your level of compliance all while reducing your overall costs of managing Workplace Safety related risk.

That’s why we are recommending you do three things:

  1. Honestly assess your current safety management efficiency and compliance;
  2. Create a plan to maximize the use of available resources (time, human and financial); and
  3. Be in compliance and keep up to date with Workplace Safety Requirements.

During this session, we will use our Simpler, Easier Index™ to help you assess your current Safety Management efficiency and compliance. We will then work together to decide what you need to do to make your safety management simpler and easier!

Contact us to get started!