How to Manage the Pandemic of Fear: Navigating the Unknown with Resilience

Facilitator: Theo Heineman, CRSP, CHSC, B.Sc.Ag., President, 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions. Theo is an international speaker and trainer. She is a Certified NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant, personally trained by leading neuroscientist and New York Times best selling author, Dr Joe Dispenza. She is also trained in the science and practice of heart coherence by the HeartMath Institute. “Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief …

Managing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Risk in Your Workplace

High Drama Can Artificially Manufacture Unnecessary Anxiety About COVID-19 and How to Manage It. Humans by nature have innate primitive survival mechanism to be on the lookout for what could harm them.  This fact combined with constant barrage of high drama media coverage is creating anxiety and fear in many people about the risk of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Anxiety and fear …

Take Our Kids to Work Day Celebrates 25 Years!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 is Take Our Kids to Work Day. Schools across the country will be participating in this exciting and fun event where over 200,000 Grade 9 students get a day to step into their future and experience a day on the job![divider size=”20px”] If your workplace is participating, have you made a plan to ensure the safety …

Turning Compliance into Gold; The Alchemy of Workplace Safety Management

Alchemy is the ancient practice of turning lead into gold; taking something of little perceived value and transforming it to something of great value. To many organizations, workplace safety still has little perceived value and compliance with government regulators is at best an irritation. Many organizations proclaim that they are safe companies and that they care for their people. However, …

First Aid Kit

CSA (Canadian Standards Association) Harmonization of First Aid Kits across Canada

As of November 23, 2018, the CSA (Canadian Standards Association) issued an amendment to the Manitoba Workplace Safety & Health Regulations. In 2014, CSA Group’s Occupational Health and Safety Standards Program and the Canadian Red Cross’s Workplace Injury Reduction Collaborative Forum held a joint workshop that discussed and reached an agreement that the development of a standard across Canada could …


  Having an up to date and in working order mobile device can go a long way in keeping you on track and well organized in today’s workplace. Many employers make cell phones a workplace requirement as they allow us to manage our time better and to work safer – keeping in contact with a supervisor, checking in when working …

report card

2018 Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Report Card

Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and Trade, AKA the Workplace Safety and Health Branch has completed publishing enforcement activities for 2018. We summarize them here for convenience sake and with the hope that you will review and share with your stakeholders to prevent similar incidents occurring in your workplace. STOP WORK ORDERS Reference MR W201/02 36(1) A safety and health officer may …

Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Workplace Safety Lawyer

Workplace Safety and Health is a unique area of law and not just any lawyer will do when you’re dealing with a serious matter such as a prosecution. In our experience, we have seen organizations that could have established a successful defence and reduced or avoided large fines and a permanent public record, had they done their homework before selecting …

Manitoba Workplace Safety & Health Regulation Amendment: Harmonization of Safety Requirements

The regulations affected are common across most workplaces, so it’s highly likely your business will be affected. In a nutshell, several key workplace safety regulations have been amended to require that the applicable CSA Standard be met. When a CSA or other standard is referenced in a regulation, it becomes a legal requirement and the minimum standard. Harmonizing safety regulations …