FIVE for FIVE = $235,977 in Fines to Manitoba Manufacturers

ALL last five Workplace Safety and Health convictions in Manitoba have been to manufacturers. We have summarized here for your learning and prevention in your own workplace: [divider size=”10px”]Why Not Use “Common Sense.”[divider size=”10px”] We still see reliance on expecting workers to “use common sense” to ensure their safety and health as a common control measure. It is understandable on …

Top 5 Ways Mobile Technology is Re-Defining Safety Management

Mobile apps have become common place in the way companies and their employees, especially millennials, operate.  Providing ease of use, instant access to information, and increase risk management at lower cost, mobile technologies are re-defining the way workplace safety is managed.[divider size=”20px”]   Providing access to the company’s entire safety program at the end of your hand: Endless hours of …

Cannabis Workplace Readiness Toolkit

The federal government introduced legislation to legalize cannabis on October 17, 2018. Like any other impairing substance such as alcohol or prescription drugs it can be a hazard when it shows up in the workplace. However also like alcohol and prescription drugs, it can be managed by establishing clear policies and procedures, educating employees and ensuring that management and supervisors …

Working in Extreme Heat: Safe Work Practices to Avoid Heat Related Illness

What is Heat Stress? Heat stress is the body’s inability to control its internal temperature. It can result in serious illness or death.[divider size=”15px”] The disorders and their symptoms of heat stress:[divider size=”10px”] Heat Rashes: These are a common problem resulting from persistent wetting of clothing by un-evaporated sweat.[divider size=”5px”] Symptoms: Clusters of small red dots or pimples and itchy …

Caught off Guard with a Surprise WCB Related Claim!

Its not uncommon for employers to get caught of guard with unexpected WCB related claims. In some instances, they can h ave serious and long-lasting impacts to your business. Here are some tips to keep you in the know:[divider size=”15px”] [divider size=”15px”]1. EMPLOYEES WORKING ON PERSONAL PROJECTS IN YOUR WORKPLACE. Do you ever allow employees to work in your facilities …

Training of Supervisors: A Cornerstone of the Internal Responsibility System and Effective Safety Management

Supervisors also know as managers, foremen and lead hands have shown to be the greatest influencers of the behaviours and safety performance of their employees.  Studies have also shown that when supervisors are trained in the purpose and function of the Safety Management System and how WCB works it has resulted in significant reduction in WCB claims and related costs. …

Overview of Canadian Environmental Protection Act

The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEP     A 1999) came into force in March 2000 and is an important part of Canada’s federal environmental legislation aimed at preventing pollution and protecting the environment and human health. Its goal is to contribute to sustainable development – development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability …

$5.3 Million Fine to Ontario Company Upheld – Why Environmental Stewardship Matters

November 2017, an Ontario judge upheld the fine after a fourteen-day trial. On January 2016, The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change announced that Sunrise Propane Energy Group Inc., its two directors and 1367229 Ontario Inc. were found guilty of seven charges under the Environmental Protection Act, including permitting the discharge of a contaminant into the natural environment and …