Three Common Ways The “Safety Person” Becomes a Liability to Your Business

Are you a business owner that’s invested in a ‘safety person’ to take care of workplace safety? While this is a well intended and common practice, most business owners are unaware that they can be creating a liability for themselves and their company. Here are three common ways your ‘safety person’ can be creating a risk exposure for your business. …

10 Reasons Why the Best-Managed Companies Don’t Focus on Compliance or Documentation

Beating the drum of compliance & documentation is common amongst many Safety Managers & Coordinators. When hearing them speak with workers, I hear things like “You’re not documenting, we need to see the documentation.” They come by it honestly, because that’s how they are taught. It’s a tangible way for safety peeps to measure their success. However, here’s 10 reasons …

NEW 1Life Employee Training & Development Program – Eligible for Full Reimbursement Through Retrain Manitoba Initiative!

The Province of Manitoba & Manitoba Chambers of Commerce recently launched the Retrain Manitoba Initiative, offering reimbursement of up to $2500/employee or $75,000/business towards the continued education and upskilling of your workforce! At the end of the day, losses due to injury, illness, and property damage are paid from your company’s profits. Enlightened leaders are realizing that effective safety management …

Fall/Winter Webinar Series

We have teamed up with some of our accredited partners to bring you professional development to support continuous improvement in your team and business. Join 1Life & Arthur Gallagher Insurance as we team up for our upcoming Webinar: Managing Construction Risk: Bonding and Surety – How to become Bondable 1Life & Arthur Gallagher Insurance: October 13th 1:00 – 2:00 PM …

The Neuroscience of Safety Habits

One of the most challenging aspects of safety management is changing employee’s safety habits.   At best; it’s exhausting, and at worst; initiatives don’t seem to work at all! However, when we understand what a habit is and how it develops, we can use this understanding to help employees change their “bad” habits more easily.   The dictionary defines habit …

Are you Walking on Thin Ice? Try The Simpler, Easier Program!

The Simpler, Easier Program™ was created for organizations just like yours to do the “heavy lifting of safety management” so you can get more boots on the ground. Keeping up with regulations, ensuring worker safety, competent training, due diligence, record keeping, working within budget constraints, competing for production time… sound familiar? With the responsibility for employee safety on your shoulders, …

It matters what leaders do: Safety Culture is shaped by the worst behaviour the leader is willing to tolerate

What might be changed if one were to ask the question “What is the worst safety behaviour tolerated in our organization and what action needs to be taken to change it?” As you ponder that question consider the wise words of Dr. W Demming: “Only 15% of your company’s problems can be controlled by individual employees, while 85% can only …

Force Creates Resistance

Force creates resistance. Whether it’s your spouse, your kids or safety in the workplace; Newton’s Third Law applies. And since it’s NATURAL LAW; like a plant growing towards the sun, there’s no arguing with it… as much as our ego might like to. Yet we see it all the time, one forcing their views or agenda on another. Like the …

Top Five Tips for Better New/Returning Worker Safety Orientations

  Spring has spring and that means new and returning workers for many organizations. Did you know that new workers have 5 to 7 times the risk of injury in the first 4 weeks of a new job? Seasonal work like construction, landscaping and hospitality typically has credible safety and health risks. A cornerstone to both a great experience for …

Have You Defined your Safety Non Negotiables?

Five workers employed by Metron Construction fell more than 100 feet to the ground when the swing stage they were working on suddenly collapsed. None of those workers was attached to a lifeline as required both by law and industry practice. Four workers died and the fifth was seriously injured. Vadim Kazenelson, the project manager was found guilty of four …