10 Reasons Why the Best-Managed Companies Don’t Focus on Compliance or Documentation

Beating the drum of compliance & documentation is common amongst many Safety Managers & Coordinators. When hearing them speak with workers, I hear things like “You’re not documenting, we need to see the documentation.” They come by it honestly, because that’s how they are taught. It’s a tangible way for safety peeps to measure their success. However, here’s 10 reasons …

The Neuroscience of Safety Leadership

The ever-evolving field of neuroscience is providing clearer insight into how leaders everywhere can foster safe, healthy, and highly productive workplaces with a basic understanding of how their employees’ brains and nervous systems work. High levels of employee stress have been shown to: Increase workplace injuries. Heighten the risk of heart attacks. Increase mental health problems. Create more conflicts. Increase …

NEW 1Life Employee Training & Development Program – Eligible for Full Reimbursement Through Retrain Manitoba Initiative!

The Province of Manitoba & Manitoba Chambers of Commerce recently launched the Retrain Manitoba Initiative, offering reimbursement of up to $2500/employee or $75,000/business towards the continued education and upskilling of your workforce! At the end of the day, losses due to injury, illness, and property damage are paid from your company’s profits. Enlightened leaders are realizing that effective safety management …

The Business Case for Workplace Happiness

Scientific studies show that productivity, creativity, and profits directly correlate to the level of well-being experienced by employees in an organization. A Health Canada study showed that a stressful work culture creates three times the risk of heart attacks, two to three times the mental health problems and two times the number of conflicts. A study by Eastern Kentucky University …

Training of Supervisors: A Cornerstone of the Internal Responsibility System and Effective Safety Management

Supervisors also know as managers, foremen and lead hands have shown to be the greatest influencers of the behaviours and safety performance of their employees.  Studies have also shown that when supervisors are trained in the purpose and function of the Safety Management System and how WCB works it has resulted in significant reduction in WCB claims and related costs. …

Ask the Expert – Supervisor Training

Q: As an employer, do I need to have a formal training plan for my supervisors? Theo Heineman, CRSP, CHSC, B.Sc.Ag. President & CEO, 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions Ltd. A: YES. You must provide formal training to all employees that direct the work of others. Not only to mitigate risk of liability in the event of a workplace incident but …